Full Service Marketing Agency

Achieve $2M+ in revenue growth in 12 months or less

We’re currently adding 10 new clients for 2023. Get in on the action. No contracts.

We prove our worth every single month.

Full Service Marketing Agency

Achieve $2M+ in revenue growth in 12 months or less

We’re currently adding 10 new clients for 2023. No contracts. We prove our worth every month.

Who Is Full Stack

Marketing For?

You're doing between $2M-$10M ARR

You know marketing is important but don’t have your own internal marketing team

You don't want to go through the effort of hiring an entire marketing department


Here's Our Offer

Get Serious ROI

Spend $10k and get $210k revenue in return.

Talented Team

Entire marketing team for price of one internal person.

Dominate Game

Crush your competition with a stacked marketing team.

"Lazarus Design Team did an amazing job improving our online visibility! Not only did they create a complete marketing strategy for our specific niche market, they also constantly come up with new ideas and stay on top of everything at all times. Thank you Lazarus for everything you do, we really love working with you!"

- Julia Kappler, VP of Kappler Design


Lazarus is 20x faster than hiring

in-house and gets better results.

Client A

Built a pipeline value of $2 Million in only 4 months

Client B

3X increase in number of keywords ranking on Top 10 of Google

Client C

Drove additional $2.5 Million of Revenue in 12 months

*Can't share client names for confidential reasons.

What's The Investment?

Let's breakdown hiring Lazarus vs hiring internally

It's really nothing compared to the return our marketing efforts will bring you. If you pay us $60k for the year, but we make you $1M in top line revenue, it's totally worth it.

How much would it cost you to hire a really good marketing manager? $70k at least. But one person can’t do everything. So they will need to hire other specialists (ad guy, SEO, designer, content writer). You get the point. It ends up being a lot of money.

Starting Price


What's Included:

  • SEO | Absolutely dominate Google Search

  • Google Ads | Convert high intent leads quickly

  • Facebook Ads | Build incredible local awareness

  • Web Design | Beautifully showcase your work

  • CRM (Sales Pipeline) | Software to make your life easier

  • Automation | Emails & texts timed and sent to perfection

"Lazarus Design Team knows how to get results. They built me a killer website, continuously improve my company's SEO, and handle all my social media interaction digital marketing campaigns, so that I don't have to. Their efforts are easily a 10x ROI!! Lazarus rocks!! LDT is WAY better than hiring an in-house marketing person... wish I had hired them 10 years ago.

- Rob Milam, CEO of zumBrunnen

Hire us to be your in-house marketing team. We'll actually grow your business.

Award-Winning Design Marketing Agency

Keep scrolling to find how exactly how this works ↓


High-End Small Business

Results: $3M+ of Topline Revenue in 1 Year.

"We were blindly throwing money at google ads with no idea on ROI. And we managed our incoming leads on paper files. Lazarus analyzed our business, built a new website and developed ads all integrated back into a CRM tool in less than 5 months. Our team can now use this to manage our client interactions and control our lead flow. They are very responsive and overdeliver."

Lazarus Design Team Testimonial Quote

High-End Business

Results: $3M+ of Topline Revenue in 1 Year.

"We were blindly throwing money at google ads with no idea on ROI. And we managed our incoming leads on paper files. Lazarus analyzed our business, built a new website and developed ads all integrated back into a CRM tool in less than 5 months. Our team can now use this to manage our client interactions and control our lead flow. They are very responsive and overdeliver."

What's the Process?

We dive into your industry, customers, competitors, and company to find valuable information to develop our marketing strategy.

Month 1: Discovery

Learn & Strategize

We dive into your industry, customers, and company to find valuable information to develop our marketing strategy. This includes customer interviews, competitive research, and website analytics. This month finishes with a presentation to management of our findings and strategy moving forward with design and marketing.

Month 2: Implementation

Launch Strategy

In the second month, we will implement our strategy outlined in the previous month and evaluate what is working and what is not. We will set realistic goals to achieve as we grow the marketing engine. Big part of this month is starting on redesigning your new website, the hub of all our marketing.

Month 3: Optimize

Test & Scale

Focus on what is working for growth and replicate. In the third and subsequent months, we will have enough data to know what works and where success lies. We will double down on those channels and focus our marketing resources toward achieving the ROI goals month over month.

Common Questions

When can I expect results?

Generally, we say 4-5 months. But truth be told, it just depends on your business and industry.

Is ad spend included in monthly price?

It's not. Your ad spend doesn't go to us it goes to Google or Facebook so it's an additional cost. Generally, we recommend at least an ad spend budget of $750/month to generate any significant results.

What does reporting look like?

Daily Communication: We will use a dedicated WhatsApp group

chat to discuss between our teams ideas, creative needs, results, followups, and new leads.

Weekly round ups emails: We provide weekly reports to your team as an update on our ongoing work and followups on leads. Great for results tracking and progress toward goals.

Monthly Goal Setting:
We track data on a weekly basis to align results with our monthly goals

and growth strategy. You will have access to data dashboards as well.

Monthly Review:
We meet each month to overview work/results and the plan for the

coming month. This is a great time for strategy and creative brainstorming.

(704) 459-2454

615 S College St, 10th Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202